
A Swedish Castle, Once A Medieval Power Center, Comes To Market

A Swedish Castle, Once A Medieval Power Center, Comes To Market

Standing at the crossroads of epic transformations–from politics and science to war and finance–Herrevad Castle is a rare example of a medieval power center once coveted by popes and kings.

With remarkable influence spanning two Scandinavian countries, the 28-room castle and a manor house with six large apartments and attic rooms, was recently brought to market after 16 years of ownership. The 21.6-hectare property (53 acres) is located in Sweden’s southern Scania County.

“You cannot live in all 12,000 square meters (130,000 square feet),” says retired owner Steen Damkjaer, who is selling the property precisely because of its enormous size–optimal for a business venture, not a bachelor pad.

The property, which during its four-century heyday had become one of the largest and wealthiest monastic houses in Denmark, heralds baked-in historical branding. That starts with its founding in 1144 as Denmark’s first Cistercian monastery (Scania was formerly part of the Kingdom of Denmark).

The property is the only privately owned abbey in Scandinavia, according to Damkjaer, and is a member of the European Charter of Cistercian Abbeys and Sites Association.The listing is offered as two sites that can be purchased together or individually: the two-story manor house and its 1.6-hectare spread (about four acres) or the three-story castle (built out from the original abbey) and attendant buildings sited on 20 hectares (about 50 acres). The latter property includes a chapel, granary, three substantial log homes and converted military buildings.

The property and surrounding lands have places to fish, kayak and hike. An airfield and golf courses are nearby.

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The Secret Apartment at the Eiffel Tower

Did You know that is a Secret Apartament at the Eiffel Tower?

The Apartament was designed by Gustave Eiffel as a private space for himself to entertain notable guests and perform scientific experiments. The apartment was the lowest of a series of platforms that reached the uppermost sections of the tower, which Eiffel used for atmospheric and astronomical experiments. It’s generally referred to as the secret apartment, but it was fairly well-known to the public that Eiffel had this space.

After word got out that Eiffel had a private abode at the summit of the tower, the space became the envy of the Paris elite. Eiffel received myriad offers to rent out the space for large sums of money, but he refused them all. He only invited select members of the scientific community into the space, the most notable of which was Thomas Edison, who gifted Eiffel a sound recording device.

It’s telling that Eiffel located his private apartment directly above the public observation deck. It’s an interesting clash of uses; at one level, you have a space open to the public, which allows individuals to experience the thrill of viewing the city from above. Directly above this is a private residence for a single individual who restricted access to a small group of notable guests from the scientific community. Eiffel was using verticality to assert his dominance over the public, but his motivations for doing so remain unclear.

The apartment remains an intriguing curiosity atop the tallest building in the world,  has since been restored, and visitors to the observation deck can view it through a glass divider, complete with wax mannequins of Eiffel, Edison, and Eiffel’s daughter.


Real Estate Investing in Albania

Real Estate Investing in Albania

Albania is becoming an increasingly popular destination for foreign investors, particularly in the real estate sector. With its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage and rapidly developing infrastructure, it’s no surprise that the country is becoming a prime destination for those seeking to invest in real estate. The country is also becoming a popular destination and attracting more tourists in recent years, leading to an increase in demand for vacation homes and rental properties. With its low cost of living, stunning scenery and friendly locals, Albania is an attractive option for those looking for a more relaxed lifestyle.

Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Albania

Our country offers a wide range of real estate investment opportunities, from luxury beachfront villas to city centre apartments. The country’s rapidly developing infrastructure is making it an attractive option for those looking to invest in real estate, with a growing number of international developers and investors taking advantage of the country’s attractive investment opportunities.

In addition, the country is home to a number of international banks and financial institutions, making it easy for foreign investors to access the capital they need to invest in real estate. The Albanian government has also passed a number of laws and regulations to protect foreign investors, making it a safe and secure investment destination.Our country has a relatively undeveloped real estate market, with many opportunities for new construction and redevelopment. This presents opportunities for investors to build or renovate properties to meet the growing demand.

However, it’s important to conduct thorough research before investing in real estate in Albania. It’s also recommended to work with local professionals, such as real estate agents,  who can provide guidance and support throughout the investment process.

Contact us for more information,




Written By Broker Ardi Ymaj

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