
A Swedish Castle, Once A Medieval Power Center, Comes To Market

A Swedish Castle, Once A Medieval Power Center, Comes To Market

Standing at the crossroads of epic transformations–from politics and science to war and finance–Herrevad Castle is a rare example of a medieval power center once coveted by popes and kings.

With remarkable influence spanning two Scandinavian countries, the 28-room castle and a manor house with six large apartments and attic rooms, was recently brought to market after 16 years of ownership. The 21.6-hectare property (53 acres) is located in Sweden’s southern Scania County.

“You cannot live in all 12,000 square meters (130,000 square feet),” says retired owner Steen Damkjaer, who is selling the property precisely because of its enormous size–optimal for a business venture, not a bachelor pad.

The property, which during its four-century heyday had become one of the largest and wealthiest monastic houses in Denmark, heralds baked-in historical branding. That starts with its founding in 1144 as Denmark’s first Cistercian monastery (Scania was formerly part of the Kingdom of Denmark).

The property is the only privately owned abbey in Scandinavia, according to Damkjaer, and is a member of the European Charter of Cistercian Abbeys and Sites Association.The listing is offered as two sites that can be purchased together or individually: the two-story manor house and its 1.6-hectare spread (about four acres) or the three-story castle (built out from the original abbey) and attendant buildings sited on 20 hectares (about 50 acres). The latter property includes a chapel, granary, three substantial log homes and converted military buildings.

The property and surrounding lands have places to fish, kayak and hike. An airfield and golf courses are nearby.

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Ping An International Finance Center One of the tallest Building in the World

Ping An International Finance Center One of the tallest Building in te World

Ping An International Finance Center is a skyscraper located in the city of Shenzhen, China. It was completed in 2017 and stands at a height of 599 meters (1,965 feet), making it the fourth tallest building in the world and the second tallest in China, after the Shanghai Tower.

The building was designed by the architecture firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates and features a unique silhouette that is inspired by the shape of a bamboo shoot. The tower has 115 floors above ground and five below ground, and it houses a variety of commercial and office spaces.The lower levels of the building feature a shopping mall, while the upper floors are home to office spaces, luxury apartments, and a hotel. The tower also includes an observation deck on the 116th floor, offering visitors panoramic views of the surrounding cityscape.

One of the unique features of Ping An International Finance Center is its sustainable design. The building was awarded LEED Gold certification for its energy efficiency and sustainability, thanks to its use of advanced technologies such as triple-glazed low-emissivity glass, rainwater harvesting, and a ventilation system that reduces the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling.


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photo by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates

San Francisco, a City Built on Ships

“San Francisco, a City Built on Ships.”

During California’s golden age, hopeful prospectors flocked to California from all over the world. As soon as they arrived, many sailors, including the captains, abandoned their ships, hoping to strike the city because they thought was rich in gold fields.

Because real estate in San Francisco was at a premium (even then!), the ships were repurposed as prisons, homes, or hotels. Some rotted and sank in the harbor or were burned in the fire of 1851. Therefore, entrepreneurs and builders continued to build, right on top of the sunken ships.

When digging tunnels for the Bay Area Railroad in 1994, crews discovered a completely intact ship, The Rome. Too big to move, they just kept tunneling, meaning the J, K, L, M, N and T trains travel right through the ship’s hull.

About 70 ships are located under some of the most expensive real estate in the world.



The Secret Apartment at the Eiffel Tower

Did You know that is a Secret Apartament at the Eiffel Tower?

The Apartament was designed by Gustave Eiffel as a private space for himself to entertain notable guests and perform scientific experiments. The apartment was the lowest of a series of platforms that reached the uppermost sections of the tower, which Eiffel used for atmospheric and astronomical experiments. It’s generally referred to as the secret apartment, but it was fairly well-known to the public that Eiffel had this space.

After word got out that Eiffel had a private abode at the summit of the tower, the space became the envy of the Paris elite. Eiffel received myriad offers to rent out the space for large sums of money, but he refused them all. He only invited select members of the scientific community into the space, the most notable of which was Thomas Edison, who gifted Eiffel a sound recording device.

It’s telling that Eiffel located his private apartment directly above the public observation deck. It’s an interesting clash of uses; at one level, you have a space open to the public, which allows individuals to experience the thrill of viewing the city from above. Directly above this is a private residence for a single individual who restricted access to a small group of notable guests from the scientific community. Eiffel was using verticality to assert his dominance over the public, but his motivations for doing so remain unclear.

The apartment remains an intriguing curiosity atop the tallest building in the world,  has since been restored, and visitors to the observation deck can view it through a glass divider, complete with wax mannequins of Eiffel, Edison, and Eiffel’s daughter.


Real Estate Investing in Albania

Real Estate Investing in Albania

Albania is becoming an increasingly popular destination for foreign investors, particularly in the real estate sector. With its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage and rapidly developing infrastructure, it’s no surprise that the country is becoming a prime destination for those seeking to invest in real estate. The country is also becoming a popular destination and attracting more tourists in recent years, leading to an increase in demand for vacation homes and rental properties. With its low cost of living, stunning scenery and friendly locals, Albania is an attractive option for those looking for a more relaxed lifestyle.

Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Albania

Our country offers a wide range of real estate investment opportunities, from luxury beachfront villas to city centre apartments. The country’s rapidly developing infrastructure is making it an attractive option for those looking to invest in real estate, with a growing number of international developers and investors taking advantage of the country’s attractive investment opportunities.

In addition, the country is home to a number of international banks and financial institutions, making it easy for foreign investors to access the capital they need to invest in real estate. The Albanian government has also passed a number of laws and regulations to protect foreign investors, making it a safe and secure investment destination.Our country has a relatively undeveloped real estate market, with many opportunities for new construction and redevelopment. This presents opportunities for investors to build or renovate properties to meet the growing demand.

However, it’s important to conduct thorough research before investing in real estate in Albania. It’s also recommended to work with local professionals, such as real estate agents,  who can provide guidance and support throughout the investment process.

Contact us for more information,




Written By Broker Ardi Ymaj

Real Estate Facts Across The World

1. There is a town in Germany built over a meteor

A town in Germany named Nördlingen was built over a meteor that is said to be over 15-million-year-old. An asteroid hit the town over a thousand years ago, but the locals started building a town on the remaining crater far from being pressured to leave. The town is over 1,100 years old.

2. Red doors are symbolic in Scotland

In Scotland, there is a common custom of painting your door red whenever you pay off your mortgage. It’s safe to say that Red is their happy color…

3. Hollywood Was Originally a Real Estate Promotion

the original intent of the sign was to promote the sale of homes and property.

According to the L.A. Times in 1923, the area would provide “… a clean, healthful atmosphere and beautiful outlook of the (Hollywood) Hills.”

4. Russia Sold Alaska to the U.S. for $.02 per Acre

The United States bought the 375 million acres we now call Alaska from Russia in 1876 for $7.2 million, or about $126.5 million in today’s market. Though the Alaska Purchase Treaty certainly provided some upside to Russia at the time, the U.S. has come out a huge financial winner in the deal thanks to the massive oil deposits discovered in the 49th state in 1967

5. 1 in 10 Americans Sell Their Home Due to Paranormal Activity

Many people stated that they thought their house was haunted before they bought it. Don’t worry if you don’t have a gift for the supernatural. State disclosure laws may require that agents disclose spirit residents and hauntings to potential buyers.

3 Reasons Your Property Isn’t Selling

Many brokers and sellers work the equation of selling backward. They start at the desired sales price and work in reverse to ensure the home is marketed and presented properly to achieve that price.The lead-up to going on the market is all focused on one goal: selling.  While this approach typically works, sellers with homes that are lingering on the market longer than the average time on market for their local area may be wondering what’s wrong. if your home is not selling, it is for one of three reasons. One, there is a product problem; two, there is a market problem; or three, there is a price problem.

Product Problems

A product problem means something about the home is a turn-off for buyers. Examples include units needing a total renovation where any potential purchase requires significantly more time, money, and energy before moving in. Generally, most sellers know if they have a product problem. Hopefully, many sellers knew this when buying in the first place, so it’s not a surprise now.

The solution, unsurprisingly, is a price adjustment. Sellers with problematic homes need to drop their price to a level where even buyers who would normally not be interested start to run their own mental calculations to see how much of a deal it could be.

Market Problems

A market problem means there is something off about the market itself. A more typical example is today. After a massive surge in sales, the markets have contracted back to lower-than-typical seasonal levels. For sellers, this means fewer buyers and more competition. To mitigate this issue, sellers must stay on top of the real-time trends in their local area to ensure they stand out despite market movements.

Price Problems

A price problem is a nice way of saying your price is wrong. And in real estate, prices are only wrong one way: they’re too high.

In fact, most problems eventually funnel their way into a price problem. Whether it’s a first-floor unit with brick wall views or a park-view penthouse asking peak prices, the core issue is the price is too high. While some luxury sellers may have the advantage of waiting for their price, the net issue for all sellers with extended days on market is overpricing.

In short: The more the market changes, the more it stays the same. When it comes time to sell, do your homework, figure out which problems you may be facing and price it right the first time to avoid problems down the road.


Copyright Forbes

Interior Design Trends- 2023

Interior Design Trends- 2023

A new year is a good time to evaluate our interior design trends; to decide which colors, fabrics, styles and ways of arranging our homes are keepers and which should be left behind.

A group of prominent designers have partnered with The Shade Store, including Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Jonathan Adler and Robert and Cortney Novogratz, who say:

“We expect to see more sheer window treatments utilized within the home. White is a neutral color that goes in every home and works well within all budgets, so we expect to see a lot of that in the coming year as well.”

Martyn Lawrence Bullard says, “Patterns are going to be on trend in 2023. Beautiful vintage looking fabrics are being shown in even modern interiors, bringing a fresh joy to the palettes. Green is huge again, and browns and sepias are making a comeback mixed with clean whites and pale off whites, giving a very fresh take on an old school vibe.”

He adds, “Fancier curtain details will also be making a comeback.

~Are we done with gray yet?

Jonathan Adler says, “For color, I except to see a lot of blue in the year ahead. Blue is an “always” color for me, as every shade of blue works with every other shade of blue.” 1stDibs, a leading design marketplace, announced that greens are still on top, with emerald earning the top color spot of this year’s survey for the third year in a row, enjoying a narrow lead over sage.

~Sustainability is a top consideration.

For designers and homeowners, the importance of sustainability has risen greatly – and this is reflected in this year’s survey results.

We are so over these trends:

The 1stDibs survey indicates that we are, in fact, tired of gray. Animal prints don’t make us purr or roar; at this point, we prefer large-scale prints and florals. “Go for the gold” is no longer our mantra. For metallic finishes, we prefer bronze, brass, copper and nickel. And the hottest trend of the pandemic, the home office, began to lose steam last year and is continuing to decline in popularity.

Copyright from Forbes

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7 Hot Winter Home Design Trends Real Estate Agents Are Seeing on Listings

7 Hot Winter Home Design Trends Real Estate Agents Are Seeing on Listings

Making a home feel warm and cozy this winter is the main idea behind many of the latest interior design trends. Here are a few of the hot trends that are warming up home interiors:

1. Earth-Tone Colors With “Wow”
Earthy neutrals are a go-to for homeowners because they can provide a good foundation to build upon. Beige, gray, browns, and whites are popular for the furniture, walls, and floor. But when you want to bring the “wow” factor in, deeper colors are the way to go. Real estate professionals are seeing a lot of homeowners use deep oranges, greens, and reds to make a statement and add some richness to a home.

2. Natural Materials
Agents say homeowners who take on renovations are gravitating more towards natural woven materials like wicker, rattan, and sisal to bring more warmth into their rooms. TThey also pair well with other natural materials like leather, marble, and hardwood.

3. Earthy Scents
Smell may be one area of ​​home design that often gets overlooked. But it can make a big difference. Essential oil diffusers, candles, and even sachets of dried flowers can help give a home a pleasant scent. Earthy aromas like lavender, sandalwood, can make a home feel more welcoming.

4. Furniture With Curves
Clean lines were all the rage a few years ago, but real estate agents are seeing more homeowners embrace the idea of ​​curvy furniture. If the homeowner don’t want to buy new furniture to embrace the curvy trend, they can opt for curved accessories like mirrors, vases, artwork, and area rugs.

5. Sustainable Design Elements
During economic hardships, we tend to purchase things that are of lower quality because they’re inexpensive.  Agents are seeing more people saving their money to purchase well-made items that are also sustainable, ethically sourced, and eco-friendly.

6. House Plants Galore
This winter, real estate agents predict that more homeowners will incorporate house plants in their decor. Plants can liven up any room and, depending on your green thumb, you can find plants that require very little care. Flowering plants and indoor herb gardens are popular, as are creeping plants like spider plants.

7. Exposed brickwork
Homes with accent walls aren’t new, but now more than ever we’re seeing exposed brick accent walls gain popularity over bold statement colors or wallpaper. If a homeowner is going for a brick accent wall, they should consider painting the rest of the room white (or off-white). White walls will make the brick pop, especially if its red brick.

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The World’s Biggest Landowner

The World’s Biggest Landowner

Queen Elizabeth II is well known for many things; the biggest one likely being that she is the Queen of the United Kingdom. But the royal family also owns plenty of real estate — and that includes acres and acres of land. It begs the question: Is the queen the biggest landowner in the world?

If you thought you had a big backyard, think again. Queen Elizabeth II holds title to roughly 6.6 billion acres of land throughout the world. For reference, that’s about one-sixth of the land on the entire planet. Most of the land falls under the Crown Estate, which essentially operates as a real estate business. According to The Independent, all of the profits of the Crown Estate go to the United Kingdom’s Treasury, but it should be noted that the queen receives 15% of those profits. (Real estate has played a major role in the royal family’s net worth.) In the U.K., the queen’s real estate operations hold more than $16 billion in property. This includes many of the royal family’s residences, including Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, and Windsor Castle.

The queen owns a lot of property, but it isn’t all empty land or fancy homes. The Independent also reported that she owns 14 retail and shopping parks along with three shopping centers in the U.K. The retail, residential, and office space around Regent Street and St. James’ Place in London is also owned by the queen.

She is, by far, the world’s largest landowner

Queen Elizabeth is far and away the world’s largest landowner. It would be hard to surpass her impressive 6.6 billion acres. The closest to her on that front is King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who owns a mere 547 million acres. (Yes, that’s still impressive, but nowhere near the queen’s 6.6 billion.)

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